Off with the Mander for another 2nd opinion

Yesterday my niece Sally (I call her Sal E. Mander) arrived in town. We are heading up to UCSD today for another treatment option. We had a long talk last night over dinner when I asked her if she was anxious or excited about her upcoming appointment. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she just sat that for a moment not able to say anything. She said she did have 1 consultation already last week with the University of Minnesota's Oncology Clinic. They told her that there wasn't anything more they could do for her than what was being done or had been done in St. Paul at her current clinic. She said it's hard living with an incurable disease. I can't even imagine. Right now all they can do is keep it at "bay" until it progresses. Next week she goes to MD Anderson, the following week she and her husband will go to Memorial Sloan Kettering in New York. The 26th she's having her takedown surgery (removal of her colostomy bag). Then she'll head to Mayo Clinic and then she and her husband are going on a much needed vacation to Taos, New Mexico.

Anyone that is reading this, please send healing vibes and prayers or whatever it is you believe in. My niece, my Goddaughter is only 35 years old! She looks too healthy to be sick.

I love you Sal E. Mander and I will help you fight this all the way!

Never EVER give up!
Your one and only,
Aunt Jillie Booo


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