Good morning everyone! I am so excited to say tomorrow my 60 mile walk begins. Yes, I am excited to torture my body into walking but it is a cause that is so very near and dear to my heart. It's something that I look forward to every year. This is year number 13 for me. It may sound like a lot of years, and I seem to think so as well, but there are many others that have walk a lot more than I have. AND, harder walks as in fighting cancer. All cancers suck, not just breast cancer. This picture is from last years walk.

I look back on some of these amazing journeys and I wonder to myself, since 2006, how many steps have I taken with training walks included? I try not to think of that because that will just make my feet hurt...LOL. I have so many good memories of these walks and mainly because I met my most BEST friend ever in the entire world, Lisa. She has been there for me through thick and thin. She's been my biggest cheerleader and always motivating me when I felt like I couldn't. I miss her during the walks, miss her even after the walks. Even from afar, she's still cheering me on. Maybe next year she'll be here to walk with me. Or? Maybe the year after.

Anywho, I am going to enjoy my day, relax and EAT....gotta eat those carbs! LOL....

Enjoy your day and embrace each loving moment.
Jillie Bean


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